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Narzędzia do migracji poczty przez IMAP


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Tutaj był problem po stronie dostawcy i jego konfiguracji IMAP,

opcja -x "." pomogła

Usage:  iu-migrate -S sourceHost -D destinationHost

Optional arguments:

 -i <file of usernames>
 -n <number of simultaneous migration processes to run>
 -L <logfile, default is migrateIMAP.log>
 -t <timeout in seconds>
 -u <migrate only Unseen messages>
 -M <file> mailbox map file. Maps src mbxs to dst mbxs.
 -m  <mbx1,mbx2,..,mbxn> List of mailboxes to migrate.
 -d debug mode
 -I record IMAP protocol exchanges
 -x <mbx delimiter [mbx prefix]>  source (eg, -x '. INBOX.'
 -y <mbx delimiter [mbx prefix]>  destination
 -a <DD-MMM-YYYY> copy only messages after this date
 -b <DD-MMM-YYYY> copy only messages before this date
 -U update mode, don't copy messages that already exist at the destination
 -H use an MD5 hash of the message body to determine uniqueness
 -T copy custom flags (eg, $Label1,$MDNSent,etc)


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  • 1 miesiąc temu...

    Imapsync is free, open, public but not always gratis software cover by
    the NOLIMIT Public License. See the LICENSE file included in the
    distribution or just read this simple sentence as it IS the licence

     "No limit to do anything with this work and this license."

    In case it is not long enough, I repeat:

     "No limit to do anything with this work and this license." 

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